My Omnitrix AlienName: XTermin8Species: ThorkDescription: Homeworld: Thoria. Thoria is a mysterious planet full of spikes when seen in the night sky. It has no moons and it also has it's own star, Soxuthor, A star too big but slower to collapse than the Sun.Abilities: Thorn Morph,Thorn Tornado, Spike Minion InvasionWeaknesses: This alien is not weak.History: What is a history of 1 alien?Battle Data: Stronger than Fourarms, This alien was like Way Big but too small enough and too strong. He can also carry heavy objects.Strength: 50% Weak and 50% Strong.Ability: 85% Strong and 15% Weak.Agility: What is Agility?Intelligence: 100% Intelligent and 0% Dumb.Percentage: 300% All. My Omnitrix Alien 2Name: XTermin8 (Hero)Species: ThorkDescription: Homeworld: Thoria. Thoria is a mysterious planet full of spikes when seen in the night sky.
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It has no moons and it also has it's own star, Soxuthor, A star too big but slower to collapse than the Sun.Abilities: Arm Thorn Morph, Thorn SmashWeaknesses: A little weak, And the weaknesses of this alien cannot beware. He is weak because of the strength that is only 40% Strong.History: What is a history of 1 alien?Battle Data: Stronger than Stinkfly, This alien was like Fourarms but too small enough and too strong. He can also carry heavy objects.Strength: 40% Strong and 60% Weak.Ability: 45% Strong and 55$ Weak.Agility: What is Agility?Intelligence: 65% Intelligent and 35% Dumb.Percentage: 150% All. My Omnitrix AliensName: internautSpecies: technautsDescription: He's blue and white hes humanoid type but about the height of xlr8 he can run reall fast and convert his body to electricity and go throught tenchnological objects such as machines, cars, computers.
Name-psyhojewelspecies-petrocerebrovortianhome world-petrocerebrovortiadescription-see imageabilities-shoots magnetized jewels, turns into a bunch of of jewels when blown up but can reformat, when fired at it can absorbs the projectile as long it isn't alive turn it into a jewel and redirect it and can turn it`s arm into canon and fire massively electrified chunks of jewels at an enemy.weaknesses-sound wavesintelligence- smarter grey matter and brain stormstrength-stronger than ultimate way big. My Omnitrix Aliens:Name: Ultimate Fasttrack.Species: Evolved Citrakayah.Description: He very fast then normal Fasttrack. He as new ability.Abilities: He has rocket booster on his hand,elbow, forearm,upper arm and foot.He has wings but he can just glide.He can make tornado.He can throw wind attacks.He make any gas from his boosters like carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, etc.Water Respiration.Space Survibility.Weaknesses: He make his gases and boost from blood supply and this blood different from human blood.
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If he went to space his booster will not work.Facts: This alien should not be used in space and his works that when starts running it means how much fast he will run his booster will also work more and make him very fast.Battle Data: He is more strong then Fasttrack and I have given the abilties from their you will understand the battle data.Strength: As I given below in battle data. He has enhance strength then fasttrack but less then fourarms and humangasaur. 50%Ability:70%Agility:He as enhance agility.Intelligence: 90%Percentage: 210%.